Curriculum – Make the narrow educational objectives more comprehensive
Teacher Education – Change the sole blackboard and textbook-based teaching processes to the activity-based comprehensive teaching process
Continuous assessments – Change end-term examination system of evaluation to continuous assessments for quality improvement
Systemic Support – the state in better policymaking, administration, and monitoring

2010 – 2018

80 lakh students in 60,000 schools across 33 districts of Rajasthan
Bodh acted as a core resource agency on invitation by the State for implementing whole-school transformation initiative where it was decided that National Curriculum Framework 2005, its suggested pedagogy and CCE would be implemented in together for bringing a real reform in the quality being delivered by the state schools. The project has been implemented in the following phases-
Pilot Phase: To evolve the conceptual framework and materials for the reform, first a pilot project was conceptualized and implemented 60 government schools at an elementary level over two years (2010-12) Bodh provided support both in evolving the framework and supporting the implementation.
Scale-up Phase 1 (2012-13): Facilitating the scaling up of the pilot in 3,000 schools while ensuring the strengthening of the state-teacher-education system and monitoring processes.
Scale-up Phase 2 (2013-15): Further supporting the state in scaling up through constant refining and evolving to 40,000 schools across Rajasthan
Ongoing Phase (2016-17): Finalizing the content and strategies along with scaling up in 60,000 schools across the state