
The physical space one occupies defines us just as much as the work one does. These spaces shape our interactions, intentions, visions, negotiations and our motivations. Our campuses here at Bodh, have played an integral role in defining our goals and activities as an organization. It wasn’t, however, a planned, thought out, journey. Our campus spaces grew organically, with the campus responding to the needs of our programmes and the larger educational needs at the time, as and when they emerged. The visualization of the campus was first conceptualised collectively by the partners of the PESLE Programme (Programme for Enrichment of School Level Education) in the year 2000. The vision was for an educational academy run by Bodh and supported by PESLE partners. As the funding for campus creation became generously available through PESLE, the initial need for a physical campus space to accommodate the growing diversity of the organization’s activities was undertaken. Thus began the journey that the organization and its campuses have collectively grown through and will continue to do so.


We hope for our campuses to become happier and more conducive spaces of discussions, creation, and growth. For this we wish to initiate the following in the years to come:

  • Centres of Vocational Training
  • Sites for Environmental Camps and Experiential Leaning
  • Sites and Bases for educational studies and researches by scholars and university students.

Bodh Gaon

Bodh Parisar