Bodh has been working on the primary and elementary grades for more than a two decades and has matured a framework for keeping that particular age group. After realizing that if mainstream education system is to be improved; secondary level is as crucial and needs to be addressed with equal emphasis. The present situation within the mainstream at secondary level is that there are almost 30% drop outs with a majority of girl child. Children encounter difficulties in primary and elementary grades that results in learning gaps as they are often unaddressed which results immense problems in understanding at the higher grades resulting in moving towards rote learning, memorization and further weakening the base. At the same time secondary grades represent last opportunities that a system has to address these issues and ensure better outcomes for the future.
As a result, many children drop out from schools at secondary level and the others who are pursuing it, are just ensuring to pass the examination. Due to present assessment system children passes the board examination with lower percentage, as the assessment system merely focuses on reproduction of information and schools opt for teaching for assessments at the cost of learning. Therefore, when it comes to conceptualization and understanding, children lag behind in developing their skill sets, developing logical thinking, critical world-view often resulting into career choices which are only in trend and not having any personal disposition.
Addressing these issues requires a comprehensive intervention at the secondary level which simultaneously works on bridging the gaps and supporting children at the grade level as well for developing in-depth and critical understanding. The work in regular classrooms with regards to children at below grade levels also an important feature of the program.
Hence, Bodh started with content development for the secondary level taking care of above-mentioned issues and perspectives of the problem faced by children and started implementing in Manas Ganga and selected Government schools so that it can be refined according to the need and understanding of children. Also, to overcome major gaps in children regarding understanding remedial programs are also started in which remedial packages are designed according to their learning level.
Hence, Bodh provides remedial support and ongoing classroom support to retain interest of children in learning and reducing number of dropouts resulting in greater improved outcomes.